2025 League Rules
1. League Organization
- This baseball league consists of teams which have agreed to cooperate in order to participate in a safe, fun, and competitive game of baseball in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship. We are affiliated with the national Mens Senior Baseball League (MSBL). Normal rules of baseball apply, except as noted below. For anything not covered in these rules the next level is MSBL rules followed by Major league Baseball Rules, if necessary.
- This baseball league shall be run by a President, who shall be assisted by other officers as deemed necessary by the teams.
- All officers shall be elected for one year terms at the first meeting of each calendar year. Voting for officers is done by team representatives, with 1 vote per team, and is done before any new teams are admitted to the league.
- Once officers are elected then all items which require a vote are decided based on one vote per team. A vote can be taken if there are at least 50% of total votes present, and a majority of the votes present is required to pass a motion.
- A new team may not vote until they have paid the required entry fee. New teams to receive approval from the league president, who will consult with the new and existing teams about the effect the new team will have on existing rosters, as well as field and umpire availability.
- An Advisory Board shall be appointed by the President if necessary. It should consist of 5 managers or players, and can include league officers. The President will consult with the Advisory Board during the season to assist in resolving disputes or assessing penalties.
- In the event that a player or players are ejected from a game, the teams involved in that game shall report the ejection to the executive board within 24 hours. While this responsibility usually falls to the manager of a team, if a manager is not present at the game, this does not excuse the team from reporting the ejection(s). All ejections shall be reviewed by the Executive Board, which may take such action as they deem appropriate, including suspension or expulsion of a player, or declaring a forfeit. The Executive Board should also review situations in which a manager feels that disciplinary action should have been taken during a game but was not, or any other situation that is brought to its attention
2. Fees
- The league shall determine all required fees for dues, insurance, national organization, etc., at the start of each season, and the schedule of fees shall be distributed to all managers as soon as possible following the first meeting of the calendar year.
- Above the required fees each team may collect from its players whatever dues it finds necessary to meet its expenses, including umpires, baseballs, equipment, field use fees, etc.
3. Deadlines
- By April 1: new team entry fee.
- By April 1: payment of player dues for the minimum number of players (12), plus the MSBL insurance premium and information about the owner of each playing field, plus payment for baseballs ordered by the league through MSBL. If this payment is not received by the start of the season, a team will forfeit all scheduled games until the payment is received in full.
- By April 1: roster with at least 12 players. Required information for each player is: first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, email if available, telephone, date of birth. These rosters and dues will be submitted to MSBL immediately, and there will be no refunds or substitutions for these players.
- By the first game of the season: roster with all players, plus player dues for all players above 12.
- By the second game of the season: signed Player Waivers and Player Code of Conduct forms for all players who were included on the opening game roster.
- Immediately after the second game of the season: the league will submit to MSBL the players and dues added since the initial submission, and there will be no refunds or substitutions for these players.
- During the season, roster additions must be reported as they occur, and the player dues, signed waiver, and signed code of conduct must be submitted to the league President immediately after the player is added to the roster.
4. Schedule
- Prior to the season schedule being created, each team shall make every effort to determine whether their home field will be unavailable on any dates, by contacting the managing organization of the field, and provide such information to the league President or other designated person.
- Once the schedule is created, based on the information available at that time, the resolution of any conflicts regarding field availability shall be the responsibility of the affected home team, including the risk of forfeit if a suitable arrangement is not provided.
- During the season, teams may swap home dates, or use an alternate field, due to unforeseen circumstances; if this happens please notify the President or other league officer as well as the opposing team.
- In case of postponement, make-up games will be played on the Sunday closest to July 4 and the Sunday immediately following the conclusion of the regular season unless other arrangements have been made. Make-up games will be prioritized chronologically, rather than by effect on standings.
5. The game
- All games are scheduled for 9 innings. Should a double-header be scheduled then both games shall be 7 inning games. Mercy Rule During the regular season, beginning in the seventh inning, if one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If the visiting team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. The "Mercy Rule" is not in effect during the playoffs.
- Starting time shall be 11:00 AM, unless a different time is agreed upon by team managers prior to the game. Each team shall be allowed to use the field for 30 minutes practice prior to a game, home team from 1 hour before game time to 30 minutes before game time, visitors from 30 minutes before until game time.
- Managers should exchange lineups prior to each game, and the manager or scorekeeper should notify the other team during the game whenever a change is made in the batting order.
- Each team shall keep a scorebook of at least their own team's at bats, using last names for all players.
- It is the home team's responsibility to make arrangements for a playing field, at least one umpire, and at least 4 new baseballs.
- In the event of probable inclement weather, the home team must notify the visiting team at least 3 hours before game time of a postponement.
- Protest of a game:
- A game should only be protested because of an illegal player being used, or an umpire applying a rule incorrectly, or an umpire failing to apply a rule which was applicable. A protest will not be upheld due to disagreement with an umpire's judgment call.
- The procedure to protest a game is for the team manager to notify the umpire and the other manager before the next pitch is thrown, and after the game to notify the league President. The league President, after consulting the Advisory Board, will rule on the protest within 7 days after receiving it (this is to allow time for the league President to gather pertinent information).
- The ruling may be appealed up to 72 hours following the ruling being announced. If an appeal is filed then the appeal is decided by an Appeal Board which consists of all the league officers (except the President) plus the Advisory Board. The Appeal Board shall appoint a chairman for each appeal, and that person shall direct its discussions and report back to the President. This group has 10 days to review the situation and issue its decision. A 3/4 majority of the eligible Appeal Board members is needed to overturn the President's ruling.
- If a protest is upheld the ruling announcing that should include the remedy, which is not automatically the same as the remedy sought by the complaining manager. For example, if a manager protests a game and requests that the game result be reversed (i.e., the team which won should now be declared the loser) it is possible to uphold the protest but apply a different remedy, such as replaying the game from a specific point within the game or replaying it entirely.
- Any officer or Advisory Board member who is on a team which played in the game being protested is ineligible to vote, but may present information regarding the game to the others. If the league President is on a team which played in the game being protested then the initial protest ruling should not be made by the league President, but by another officer who is not on either team, following this order: Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
- Players may wear metal cleats or spikes.
6. Age of players
- We are considered a 38 and over league for the purpose of affiliation with the MSBL. However our minimum age is 35, and we permit each team to have no more than 4 players age 35-39 on their roster.
- Players 45 years of age or older may pitch with no limit to number of innings pitched in a game.
- Players 43 or 44 years of age are allowed to pitch with restrictions. These restrictions supersede rules 15.A and 15.D
- The manager must notify opposing team of players in this category.
- A team may use as many players as are eligible within this category, but only in a combined maximum of two innings per game (an inning for the purpose of this rule is defined as one pitch being thrown).
- There is no re-entry: once replaced on the mound, a pitcher in this age category may not return to the mound at a later time in a given game.
- A player becomes eligible to play on their birthday.
- A player must be out of pro ball for 3 complete seasons before becoming eligible to participate in this league.
Each Team Manager, & his designated representative, is responsible for obtaining & knowing the age of any player their Team uses. Any Manager may at anytime question a player's age. If a Manager questions a player's age, proof of age must be provided to the inquiring Manager at the earliest reasonable opportunity (ie, the player's driver's license with birth date may be presented at the field, etc) but not later than within 5 calendar days.
If an under age player is identified, penalties shall be assessed to an individual(s) &/or a Team.
As a national precedent, penalties include forfeiture of all games in which the under-age player participated and a minimum two-year suspension for the under age player. If the Manager had prior knowledge, he is subject to similar suspension.
7. Rosters
- The Manager counts as a player on the roster even if he does not play, and must sign the insurance waiver and Player Code of Conduct forms, and pay the same league and MSBL dues as any other player.
- Minimum 9 players, no upper limit.
- Players may be added at any time during the regular season.
- Every player must sign an insurance waiver and Player Code of Conduct before they play for the first time each year. The player's waiver form, Code of Conduct form, and dues must be submitted to the league immediately, to arrive before the team's next game.
- Tryouts / fill-in players. A player may play up to 3 regular season games for any combination of teams without paying dues or being added to any team's roster. However, the player must sign an insurance waiver and Player Code of Conduct before they play. Before the game, the manager must inform the opposing manager of the player's status. If the player then appears in a 4th game for the same team he must be added to the roster and the player dues must be submitted to the league immediately. If a team has the maximum 4 players age 35-39 on their roster then they may not use a fill-in player who is age 35-39.
- A player may be dropped from a team roster at any time. There is no refund of League and MSBL dues paid. The player may not play for that team for the rest of that season, including playoffs and championship games. The player may play for another team during that season without having to pay additional League and MSBL dues.
8. Lineups
- More than 9 batters can be in the batting order, there is no maximum number of batters in the batting order. No more than 9 fielders.
- There is free substitution of fielders, but a player must be in the batting order in order to play in the field.
- 7 or fewer players present: If a team has only 7 or fewer players present, then they forfeit the game. This can apply to both teams, and both can receive a loss by forfeit.
- 8 players present: If a team has 8 players present, then they can play the game; all players must be in the batting lineup. The team may, but does not have to, borrow a player from the other team. A borrowed player plays only for the team which borrowed him as though he were a member of that team all along.
- 11 or more players present: If more than 10 players are present, there must be at least 10 batting positions, and a team may:
- bat all players, or
- hold out one or more players to come in as replacement players during the game, and/or
- hold out one or more players to be added to the end of the batting lineup during the game, and/or
- double up on batting positions using the A/B system, explained below (8g).
- A/B batting system: If a team has 11 or more players present, then any batting lineup spot may be shared by 2 players, designated as 3A and 3B, 9A and 9B, 10A and 10B, etc. The first time through the order player A bats, next time through the order player B bats. Both players in an A/B spot are eligible to play in the field during the entire game. An A/B batting position may not be added to the bottom of the lineup once the game starts, nor may a full lineup spot be converted to an A/B spot once the game starts, therefore a player who is added to the bottom of the lineup after the game starts must have a full lineup position.
- Late arrivals: A player who arrives late may enter the game by being added to the bottom of the batting order or as a replacement player.
- A team may not alter the batting order once the game starts, except to add a player at the bottom of the order or to use replacement players. If during a game, a batter cannot bat due to injury or absence, they are out of the batting order from that time, and if no pinch-hitter is available then that batting spot is skipped from that time forward, without penalty. If a batter's spot in the lineup is skipped, without penalty, then that batter / player may NOT reenter the game in any capacity. Should a batter / player wish to possibly reenter the game at some point, then an Out shall be recorded each time that batter's turn is skipped until such time that the batter reenters to take his turn at bat. If the batter / player fails to reenter, each Out previously recorded for skipping his At Bat shall still apply. If at any time the batter / player, or his Manager (or the Manager's designee) declares that the batter / player will not be reentering the game, then that batter's spot may then be skipped for the remainder of the game without penalty.
Example 8-1: Jim's team has 11 batters, and he bats 3rd for the entire game. Jim plays first base for 3 innings, then sits out 2 innings, then plays left field for the rest of the game.
Note that if a team's batting order is reduced to fewer than 8 players and there are no replacements, the opponent may claim a forfeit win at that point, if they wish to. If the opponent does not claim a forfeit and continues to play, they give up the right to claim a forfeit based on insufficient players.
Example 8-2: Cal is not in the batting lineup at the start of the game, and he is not in the field. In the 5th inning he is a pinch hitter for the #7 batter. From that point on he bats in the #7 position and can play in the field. The original #7 batter may not play in the field once Cal has hit for him.
Example 8-3: Terry is not in the 10-player batting lineup at the start of the game, and he is not in the field. In the 5th inning the team has gone through the lineup twice and adds Terry to the bottom in position #11. From that point on he bats in the #11 position and can play in the field.
Example 8-4: Victor is not in the 10-player batting lineup at the start of the game, and he is not in the field. In the bottom of the 4th inning Victor goes out to play left field. At that time his team must announce where in the batting order he will be hitting, either as a pinch hitter for someone or added to the bottom of the lineup as the #11 batter. If he will be a pinch hitter, then the player who will be replaced may not play in the field once Victor enters the field, even if they are playing different positions.
Example 8-5: (this really happened) Reggie made the last out in an inning, and since he wasn't in the field he left to see how his son was doing in a tournament game nearby. While he was away his team batted around the next inning, skipping his spot in the batting order. When he returned he was out of the game for missing his turn.
9. Player Code of Conduct
- A Player Code of Conduct must be signed by each player before they play for the first time each year.
- Any unsportsmanlike conduct can result in a Player being ejected from a game to include possible suspension from additional games. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Physical abuse of an Umpire(s) and/or any threat of physical intimidation or harm to include pushing, shoving, contact, kicking dirt on an Umpire, spitting, spraying, throwing at or attempting to make physical contact, blocking an Umpire's movement, or charging at an Umpire.
- Arguing balls and strikes, or sustained arguing of an Umpire's decision.
- Using abusive, profane, or obscene language or gestures, or any language or tactics intended to intimidate. This shall include, but not be limited to, any "Bench Jockeying" (ie, personal or malicious remarks, cursing, obscene language, taunting, or baiting language toward opponents, umpires, or spectators).
- Throwing a bat, glove, helmet or other equipment in anger.
- Creating a disruptive, threatening or dangerous situation and/or engaging in malicious contact.
- Malicious contact will not be tolerated & will always result in an ejection of the offender & an immediate dead ball!
- If a runner causes malicious contact which occurs before the runner scores - then the runner is out & ejected, & no run scores. The ball is immediately dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
- If a runner causes malicious contact which occurs after the runner scores - then the runner is safe & scores, and ejected. The ball is immediately dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
- Malicious contact supersedes obstruction.
- Using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game.
- Physically attacking any player, manager, official, or spectator, before, during, or after a game. Fighting &/or any physical abuse of any other individual (ie, Player, Manager, Umpire, or Spectator) including attempting to strike with the arms, hands, legs, feet or equipment in a combative manner, or intentionally spitting at someone.
- Leaving a field position or the vicinity of the dugout or coaching box to dispute a judgment call by an umpire, if not the Team Manager, or in the absence of the Team Manager his designee.
* Translation - Only the Team Manager or his designee shall interface with an Umpire. There shall be no "piling" on an Umpire. Players, other than the Team Manager or his designee, shall remain where they were before the play. - Any behavior not in accordance with the spirit of fair play.
- Any other actions in the judgment of an Umpire to be unsportsmanlike.
- Other than an instance of an automatic ejection (ie, malicious contact), an Umpire may take any or all of the following actions:
- The Umpire may first warn any violator or Team before ejecting the individual(s) from the game.
- An Umpire may also restrict the offender(s) (ie, to the bench/dugout, or grandstands, etc).
- Any individual restricted shall be ejected for further misconduct.
- Failure to comply with an Umpire's restriction or ejection shall result in the game being forfeited and possible suspension.
A player who is ejected from a game must remove himself immediately from the “sight and sound’ of the game.
To be removed from the “sight and sound” of the game shall mean that the ejected player shall not view the contest, communicate with his or the other opposing team, or be where the umpire can see or hear him. The ejected player must completely leave the confines of the playing field, the grandstands and other nearby surrounding areas.
- A player who is suspended by the league may appeal, but they do not gain the right to continue to play pending a hearing on their appeal.
- If a situation occurs after the last out of a game which leads to conduct that would have resulted in an ejection during the normal course of play, the Umpire(s) shall issue a "Post-Game" Ejection. The ejection shall be served in the Team's next game where that individual would be available to play. The League may also impose a further suspension(s).
10. Batting
- Bats must be made of wood. Metal bats are not permitted, nor are hybrid metal-wood bats. Composite wood bats are allowed (e.g., Baum Bat)
- Bunting is allowed, but once a batter shows intention to bunt, he shall either bunt or draw the bat back and take the pitch. Not allowed is showing an intention to bunt, then taking a full swing at that pitch. A batter who attempts this will be automatically out, and will be ejected from the game if any player is injured as a result of this play. This rule includes showing intention to bunt during the time when the pitcher is looking in for a sign, as well as during the pitcher's windup and delivery.
- If a batter gets a clean hit, through the infield into the outfield, he may not be thrown out at first base by an outfielder. This applies only to the batter, other runners may be thrown out on a force play by an outfielder if possible.
- Strike zone defined: We use the strike zone as defined in Major League rules: the STRIKE ZONE is that area over home plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap. The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball.
11. Courtesy runners
- If a player who reaches base should not run due to injury, or is the current pitcher or catcher, they may request a courtesy runner, who must be the last player to be out, whether at bat or on the bases, except that the current pitcher and catcher are excused from acting as courtesy runners for other players. If a courtesy runner is needed in the first inning before any outs are recorded, it will be the last player in the batting order.
- Teams are required to indicate those players who require a courtesy runner on their lineup card at the start of the game.
- Any player deemed unable to run after the start of the game must be declared before the beginning of their offensive half inning.
12. Base running
Note: the intention of these restrictions is to avoid the need for holding runners on, to avoid artificial situations created by runners drawing throws just to create chances to steal a base, and to move the game along, and promote safety.
- All base runners shall wear helmets.
- There shall be no leads until the ball is released from the pitcher's hand
- There is no stealing, and no advance on passed balls or wild pitches, or an errant return throw from the catcher to the pitcher, even if the throw from the catcher is not caught by the pitcher.
- On a pickoff attempt, the runner must return to their his base ("tag up") first, then advance if possible, for example if the throw gets away from the fielder. before being able to legally advance. If a pickoff throw gets away from the fielder, the runner may legally advance only after returning to his base. Advancing without returning to base subjects the runner to being put out (ie, a play is made to the base from where the runner failed to return , or the runner is tagged anywhere other than on the base he should have returned to).
- Because the runner must return to their base, it is considered a force play, and no tag is required to get the runner out. A pickoff play on any runner at any base shall be considered a force play (ie, no tag shall be required).
- On a pickoff throw at any base, any other runners may advance once they have returned and retouched their base.
- There shall be no hidden-ball trick attempted by fielders.
- A runner who fails to make a reasonable attempt to avoid a collision with a defensive player shall be called out. Any other runner advancing on the play shall be required to return to the last base visited. In the event that an umpire determines that a collision was flagrant (i.e., attempting to bowl over the catcher when it is clear that he has the ball and is waiting to apply the tag), he has the authority to eject the offending player from the game. Also see rule 14b.
Base runners shall adhere to the Collision Rule & Force Play Slide Rule (FPSR). Malicious contact should be avoided & will not be tolerated. - A runner who is out due to a force play at the base to which they are advancing must not block the line of a throw from the fielder at that base back to the base which the runner occupied. If a runner does block or prevent a throw then interference is called and both the runner and the batter or runner behind him are out.
Base runners should avoid creating Interference. Penalties for interference shall be enforced.
Example: With 1 out, Bill is on 1st base and Charlie is on 3rd base. The batter takes a pitch and the catcher makes a pickoff throw to 1st base. The first baseman catches the ball and tags the base before Bill gets back. Bill is out. Charlie, who has returned to 3rd base after the pitch, is free to run when the catcher's throw goes to 1st base instead of to the pitcher.
13. Force Play Slide Rule
- On any force play, if the runner slides, he must do so on the ground before the base and in a direct line between the two bases.
- "On the ground" means either a head-first slide or a slide with one leg and buttock on the ground before the base.
- "Directly into a base" means the runner's entire body (feet, legs, trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the bases.
- When a runner slides, he must slide within reach of the base with either a hand or foot. li>
- The following actions by a runner are illegal & interference shall be called if:
- The runner slides or runs out of the base line in the direction of the fielder and alters the play of a fielder (with or without contact), or
- The runner illegally slides toward or contacts the fielder even if the fielder makes no attempt to throw or complete a play, or
- The runner goes beyond the base and then makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder, or
- The runner uses a rolling, cross-body, or pop-up slide into the fielder, or
- The runner's raised leg is higher than the fielder's knee when the fielder is in a standing position, or
- The runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg, or
- The runner tries to injure the fielder.
- Penalty - Interference is called and the ball is dead immediately.
- With less than 2 outs, the interfering runner is declared out, as well as the batter runner (double play). No other runner(s) shall advance & must return to the bases occupied at the time of the pitch (ie, original bases).
- With 2 outs, the interfering runner shall be declared out. No other runner(s) shall advance. The batter is credited with a fielder's choice.
- If the runner's slide or collision is flagrant (ie, considered malicious contact), the runner shall be ejected & is subject to possible suspension.
Exception - A runner need not slide directly into a base as long as the runner slides or runs in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder. Interference shall NOT be called.
14. Collision Rule
- The runner must make an actual attempt to reach the base (plate).
- The runner may NOT attempt to dislodge the ball from the fielder.
- The runner must attempt to avoid a collision if he can reach the base without colliding.
- If the runner's path to the base is blocked and (A), (B) and (C) are fulfilled, it is considered unavoidable contact.
The VT MSBL is concerned about unnecessary and violent collisions with the catcher at home plate, and with infielders at all bases. The intent of this rule is to encourage base runners and defensive players to avoid such collisions whenever possible.
When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who clearly is in possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge:
If the defensive player blocks the base (plate) or base line with clear possession of the ball, the runner may make contact, slide into or make contact with a fielder as long as the runner is making a legitimate attempt to reach the base (plate).
Contact above the waist that was initiated by the base runner shall NOT be judged as an attempt to reach the base or plate.
PENALTY If the runner attempts to dislodge the ball or initiates an avoidable collision, the runner shall be declared out, even if the fielder loses possession of the ball. The ball is dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
Note: Contact above the waist shall be judged by the umpire as an attempt by the runner to dislodge the ball.
PENALTY If the contact is flagrant or malicious before the runner touches the plate, the runner shall be declared out and also ejected from the contest. The ball is immediately dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
PENALTY If the contact is flagrant or malicious AFTER the runner touches the base (plate), the runner is safe, but is ejected from the contest. The ball is immediately dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference. If this occurs at any base other than home, the offending team may replace the runner.
If the contact occurs AFTER a preceding runner touches home plate, the preceding runner is safe. The ball is immediately dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the contact.
15. Pitching
- A player must be 45 years old in order to pitch. (However, see exception under 6C.) There is no limit to the number of innings pitched.
- There is no windmill pitching, as in softball.
- If a pitcher hits 3 batters within 1 inning, or 4 batters total, they must be removed as pitcher for the remainder of that game
- A player who is replaced as pitcher may pitch again later in the game, but not in the same inning if they were replaced after an inning has started (which for the purpose of this rule is defined as one pitch being thrown).
- A player while pitching may not wear white or gray sleeves, nor a batting glove or wristband.
16. Fielding
- A fielder is not allowed to decoy a throw or catch. If a decoy throw or catch is detected, all runners shall be allowed to advance one base beyond the base held after all play stops. If the same fielder decoys twice in the same game, the fielder shall be ejected from the game. Decoying is referred to as a false catch or throw done in an attempt to get the runner to slide unnecessarily.
- A fielder may not intentionally block a base from a runner. Rule 12h requires a runner to make a reasonable attempt to avoid a collision with a defensive player, so if a fielder does block a base intentionally then the runner is entitled to occupy that base or to continue past that base without touching the base. The fielder has the primary responsibility, so if there is a collision the umpire must look first at whether the fielder intentionally blocked the base and second whether the runner made a reasonable attempt to avoid a collision. This is a judgment call for an umpire.
17. Umpires
- The home team shall provide at least a home plate umpire. The league encourages the inclusion of a base umpire. All umpires shall be knowledgeable of the game. There shall be no players used as umpires.
- There shall be no contesting of an umpire's ball and strike or judgment call. Any contesting of an umpire's calls shall only be done by the manager. Any player who verbally or physically abuses an umpire shall be ejected from the game.
- Umpires shall call the game according to our league rules. For anything not covered in these rules the next level is MSBL regular season rules, above that it is Major League Baseball (MLB) rules.
18. Baseballs
- The home team shall provide at least 4 new league approved baseballs at the start of each game.
19. Playoffs and championship
- Only the top 16 teams will be in the playoffs. An upper and lower tier playoff bracket will be created for a maximum of 8 teams in each tier. All preliminary rounds and the championship are single elimination. The playoff format shall be published each year at the same time as the season schedule or at a later time to be determined.
- A player must play in at least 37.50% of scheduled regular season games with one team in order to be eligible to play for that team in the playoffs and championship.
Examples:- 8 game season: 3 games.
- 9 or 10 game season: 4 games.
- 11, 12, or 13 game season: 5 games.
- 14, 15, or 16 game season: 6 games.
- Playoff Eligibility shall require each of the following:
- A player must have played in at least 37.50% of scheduled regular season games.
- The player must play in at least 4.5 innings for the game to count toward playoff requirements. "Play," for the purpose of this rule, includes playing a defensive position and batting, or batting only.
- A player must be "Rostered." In other words, dues received & paid...!
- A player must be "Registered." In other words, all required forms have been signed & submitted (ie, Player Code of Conduct & Player Waiver).
- Teams will be seeded based on final standings from the regular season, using this order to break ties:
- Complete won/loss percentage
- Head to head won/loss percentage
- Won-loss percentage against common opponents
- Runs allowed per game actually played. Forfeits are not included.
- Coin toss or random drawing supervised by a league official
- In any playoff and championship, the home team is the higher seeded team (#1 is higher than #2, etc.). Teams keep the same original seed position throughout the playoffs and championship; a lower seeded team which wins against a higher seeded team does not gain the home field advantages of the higher seed position.
- The two teams involved in each playoff game will split the cost of umpires and baseballs and approved field use fees for all playoff and championship games. The league has the option to pay field fees for the cost of the championship games.
- For the playoffs, umpire(s) will be arranged by the home team.
Playoff Eligibility
Note: Any exceptions to the above must be brought forward to the League in sufficient time prior to the playoffs. The President will have any exception request(s) reviewed on a "case by case” basis and subsequently issue a ruling
20. Miscellaneous
- Players should be aware of and obey local rules about smoking at each field, including grandstands, parking lot, etc.
- Alcoholic beverages of any kind are prohibited on a playing field or in a dugout. Players should be aware of and obey local rules about alcoholic beverages at each field location, including grandstands, parking lot, etc.
- Each manager, or other designated person, shall login to their team's account and post the score of each game to the league website as soon as possible after each game, ideally by 6:00 PM on the day of the game. Win or lose, home or away, each team must report their score and post their player's game statistics to the league website. Players statistics should be posted by the Sunday following the game.
- Managers are responsible for making sure every player understands the rules and has filled out and signed a waiver form and the Player Code of Conduct before they play in a game.
21. Covid 19 Guidelines
- Follow state requirements regarding Covid-19
- Follow field specific requirements regarding Covid-19