Vermont Senior Baseball League

2025 Managers & Officers


Note: We have Co-Treasurers. Judi Laird will take care of the bookkeeping, while Chad Hewitt has the vote in league matters.

President Sal Spinosa (Mad River)   802-496-9791
Vice President Schedule Maker Doug Bergstein (Mad River)   802-498-3498
Secretary Reid Crosby (Williston)   cell 802-238-8018
Co-Treasurer Judi Laird ()   802-626-8467
Co-Treasurer Chad Hewitt (Chelsea)   802-249-8818   cell 802-249-8818
Director at Large Duncan Wardwell (Champlain)   802.578.1705


Burlington Cardinals Darren Moskowitz  
John Sullivan  
Champlain Whales Matt Bunting  
Duncan Wardwell  
cell 802-598-0900
Chelsea Bat Company Tim Carter  
Chad Hewitt  
802 685-3023
802-249-8818   cell 802-249-8818
Mad River Valley Doug Bergstein     802-498-3498
Montpelier Monties Tom Halecky  
Mike Concessi  
cell 631-434-5789
Randolph Jays Rick Hauser  
Joe Pelletier  
802-748-0207   cell 802-431-7799
802.728.5390   cell 802.272.6436
Vergennes Codgers Greg Curler  
Lee Hodsden  
518-514-8011   cell 518-514-8011
Waterbury Warthogs Bryan Ballif  
Caulder Ripley  
802-391-6068   cell 802-391-6068
802-244-1828   cell 802-272-1155
Williston Armadillos Reid Crosby     cell 802-238-8018
Woodsville River Rats Jeremy Wheeler     603-764-9858   cell 603-991-9237
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